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Watts Up With Those Amps?

This article will provide a little insight into the world of VHF amplifiers. The test subject is the RF Concepts 2-417. This particular series of amps is no longer in production, but should be applicable to similar products by other manufacturers.

The RFC 2-417 is a VHF amplifier with the following specs:
Frequency Range: 143-149 MHZ
Input Power: 200mw to 50w
Output Power: 170w with 45w input
Max Input Power: 50 Watts
Modes: FM/SSB/CW
GaAs FET Preamp: Gain 20db nominal, Noise Figure 1db nominal
SWR Protection: 3:1 SWR Auto shutdown
Temp Protection: 175F Shutdown
Keying: Automatic RF sensing or external 3-12VDC keying line
Current Requirement: 22 amps @ 13.8VDC
Weight: 5lbs

If you take note of the specs, you will see that this amp could be operated via a low drive HT transceiver albeit with reduced output.

The RFC2-417:

The test setup with ICOM IC-7000 driving the RFC 2-417, Astron RS-50M power supply, Bird wattmeter, and Bird coaxial resistor (not shown). The amp is being operated via RF sensing.

The following statistics of input power vs output power vs current requirements are only accurate within the limits of the analog measuring devices being used, lengths and type of coax used, and of course my analog eyesight. While not lab standard by any means, I think that the info provided will give some useful insight into the operational considerations of using an amplifier.

All testing was conducted in FM mode.









147.54 MHz
5 <6 70 16
10 >6 108 <20
15 <8 125 21
25 >8 135 >22
35 <10 142 24
40 10 148 25
145.00 MHz
40 10 160 30
144.00 MHz
40 10 165 30

In this particular setup, the amp was a bit more efficient near the SSB end of the 2 meter band.
(The < and > indicate slightly more or less than the stated values).

(*) IC-7000 current draw.

(**) Combined IC-7000/RFC 2-417 current draw.

Showing 108 out with 10 in, a bit under 20 amps total draw:

(250W element/top scale)

Showing 125 out with 15 in, 21 amps total draw:
Showing 135 out with 25 in, a little over 22 amps total draw: Showing 142 out with 35 in, 24 amps total draw:
Showing 148 out with 40 in, 25 amps total draw: Showing 160 out with 40 in, 30 amps total draw:
Showing 165 out with 40 in, 30 amps total draw:

It was a fun experiment showing the efficiencies/inefficiencies of a transceiver and amplifier for VHF operations.

Disclaimer: I have no financial interests in Icom, RF Concepts, Bird, or Astron. Opinions are my own.
Photos taken by WB7X

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